ABSTRACT: Conservative and populist notions of Islamic law, or #Sharīʿa, emphasize its immutability. While the textual nature of traditional Islamic jurisprudence supports this conception, academic research in recent decades demonstrates that Islamic law saw constant change and development. We also witness an increasing acknowledgement that several processes of change do not always follow the rich and advanced emic narratives and theories of how change allegedly did or should happen. The possibility of change is also intimately connected to theories of authority, where normative and descriptive models may give different pictures. Several historians and anthropologists of Islamic law have resorted to ‘canonization’ and ‘codification’ as concepts employed to understand and frame significant change, partly intending to create an analytical distance to the study object, unrestricted by the Islamic tradition. While the two concepts have hitherto been employed separately, they have one thing in common: their focus on selection and authorization. This article will first demonstrate how these concepts have been used in Islamic legal studies and then further argue that by juxtaposing and comparing these two concepts, new insights can be gained regarding their potentials and pitfalls.

AUTHOR/ARTICLE: Eirik Hovden, Understanding and Framing Change in Islamic Law: Potentials and Possible Pitfalls of the Concepts of Canonization and Codification, Oxford Journal of Law and Religion, Volume 12, Issue 3, October 2023, Pages 289–313, https://doi.org/10.1093/ojlr/rwae020


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00:00:00 – Islamic Law
00:00:15 – Abstract
00:01:34 – 1. INTRODUCTION
00:02:22 – A. Background, data, method, and theory
00:03:26 – B. ‘Islamic law’: Term and content
00:04:51 – C. Specifying change as an analytical category
00:08:31 – D. ‘Change’ in Islamic legal studies
00:11:31 – E. The epistemological necessity of change
00:14:06 – F. Framing change and authority
00:16:55 – B. The use of ‘canonization’ in Islamic legal studies
00:17:49 – (i) Brannon Wheeler’s Applying the Canon
00:19:42 – (ii) Aziz al-Azmeh’s The Muslim Canon
00:20:43 – (iii) Jonathan Brown’s The Canonization of al-Bukhārī and Muslim
00:22:16 – (iv) Rabb’s Islamic legal canons (legal maxims)
00:25:16 – (v) Guy Burak’s The Second Formation
00:26:49 – (vi) Ahmed El Shamsy’s The Canonization of Islamic Law
0030:56 – (vii) Oberauer and Arslan’s genre-theory
00:32:04 – (viii) The 2021 Canon and Censorship Conference
00:33:32 – C. The use of the concept of codification
00:34:29 – (i) Later Hallaq: The impossibility of Islamic codification
00:36:36 – (ii) Burak: Overview of early modern Muslim codification
00:38:10 – (iii) Ido Shahar: ‘Rupture camp’ and ‘continuity camp’
00:39:20 – (iv) Krell: Codification as an ideal
00:40:24 – (v) Pre-modern codification, proto-codes, codification episteme, and a codification ethos
00:42:44 – 3. CRITICAL THEORETICAL DISCUSSION – A. Reviewing the four-field model: Canonization/codification, pre-modern/modern
00:45:56 – B. Comparing across the borders in the four-field model – (i) Etymology
00:47:59 – (ii) Arabic equivalents
00:52:35 – (iii) Verb versus noun
00:54:10 – (iv) Basic meanings and differences
00:59:44 – (v) Do the concepts have opposites?
01:03:54 – (vi) Features and functions
01:11:02 – (vii) Islamic legal genres
01:15:31 – (viii) Agency, community, state
01:19:51 – 4. CONCLUSION

COPYRIGHT: © The Author(s) 2024. Published by Oxford University Press.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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#islam , #islamicideology, #Law, #Iran, #saudi #Arabia, #Indonesia, #Afghanistan, #Turkey, #Sharīʿa, #anti-Islamic, #urf (custom), #maslahat (interest,utility), #codification, #canon, #muslim, #mecca #openaccess


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